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The Structure of the 9-Year Basic Education Curriculum

Lower Basic education Curriculum Middle Basic Education Curriculum Upper Basic Education Curriculum
Core Compulsory Subjects Core Compulsory Subjects Core Compulsory Subjects
1. English Studies 1. English Language 1. English Language
2. One Major Nigeria Language (Hausa, Igbo 2. One Major Nigeria Language (Hausa, Igbo 2. One Major Nigeria Language (Hausa, Igbo
or Yoruba) or Yoruba) or Yoruba)
3. Mathematics 3. Mathematics 3. Mathematics
4. Basic Science and Technology 4. Basic Science 4. Basic Science
5. Social studies 5. Social Studies 5. Social Studies
6. Civic Education 6. Civic Education 6. Civic Education
7. Cultural and Creative Arts (CCA) 7. Cultural & Creative Arts 7. Cultural & Creative Arts
8. Christian  Religious  Studies/  Islamic 8. Christian Religious Studies 8. Christian Religious Studies
Studies 9. Physical and Health Education (PHE) 9. Physical and Health Education (PHE)
9. Physical and Health Education (PHE) 10. Computer Studies/ ICT 10. Basic Technology
10. Computer Studies/ICT 11. Computer Studies/ ICT
Elective Subjects Elective Subjects Elective Subjects
1. Agriculture 1. Agriculture 1. Agriculture
2. Home Economics 2. Home Economics 2. Home Economics
3. Arabic Language 3. Arabic Language 3. Arabic Language
4. Business Studies
Note: Note: Note:
Must offer 1 elective but not more than 2. Must offer 1 electivebut not more than 2. Must offer1 elective, but not more than 3.
Source: NERDC (2008).
Table 2(a). Lower Basic Education Curriculum (Primaries 1-3)
Subjects Explanatory Notes
Official national language
1. English Studies Medium of instruction in schools
The subject predisposes itself for the infusion of the following Road Safety Education, Disaster Risk
Reduction Education, Consumer Education.
Subject includes Literature-in-English
2. Mathematics Fundamental discipline for science and technological development
Important in everyday life
3. Nigerian Languages (One Nigerian National Policy on Education (NPE) stipulates that the medium of instruction should be the language of the
immediate environment of the child.
Schools are free to select such Nigerian Language to be taught.
4. Basic Science and Technology (BST) Each of the listed components will serve as themes for the Basic Science and Technology Curriculum
Basic science Climate change is part of the Basic Science theme
Basic Technology Disaster Risk Reduction Education and Consumer Education are infused into Basic Science and Technology
Physical and Health Education Curriculum
Information Technology (IT) Create enabling environment for the subject in all schools by making computer available in schools.

  1. Religion and National Values (RNV)    Listed components will serve as themes in the Religion and National Values Curriculum


Christian  Religious  Studies/Islamic Contents are planned for all children to take Social Studies, Civic education and Security Education themes
Studies Separate classes should be run for CRS theme and IS theme
Social Studies Consumer Education, Disaster Risk Education and Peace and Conflict Resolution curricula are infused into
Civic Education the Civic Education, Social Studies and Security Education themes
Security Education Create enabling environment for the subject in all schools
  1. Cultural and Creative Arts (CCA) Important for preservation of our cultural heritage and fostering creativity.


7. Arabic Language Optional


  • Minimum of 6 subjects; Maximum of 7 subjects


  • Emphasis should be on basic concepts and their explanations


  • Teaching and learning activity must be creative, innovative, and practical.


  • Avoid content repetitions across themes and subjects


  • Admit only basic contents from old curriculum.


Source: NERDC, 2013.


Table 2(b). Middle Basic Education Curriculum (Primaries 4-6)


Subjects Explanatory Notes
Official national language
1. English Studies Medium of instruction in schools
The subject predisposes itself for the infusion of the following: Road Safety Education, Disaster Risk
Reduction Education, Consumer Education.
Subject include Literature-in-English
2. Mathematics Fundamental discipline for science and technological development
Important in everyday life
3. Nigerian Language (One Nigerian Schools are free to select such Nigerian language to be taught.
4. Basic Science and Technology (BST) Each of the listed components will serve as themes for the Basic Science and Technology Curriculum
Basic science Climate change is part of the Basic Science theme
Basic Technology Disaster Risk Reduction Education and Consumer Education are infused into Basic Science and
Physical and Health Education Technology Curriculum
Information Technology (IT) Create enabling environment for the subject in all schools by making computer available in schools.
5. Pre-Vocational Studies Each of the listed components will serve as themes for the Pre-Vocational Studies
Home Economics
Consumer Education is infused into Pre-Vocational Studies
Create enabling environment for the teaching of pre-vocational studies in schools
6. Religion and National Values (RNV) Listed components will serve as themes in the Religion and National Values Curriculum
Contents are planned for all children to take Social Studies, Civic Education and Security Education
Christian Religious Studies/Islamic
Separate classes should be run for CRS theme and IS theme
Social studies
Consumer Education, Disaster Risk Education and Peace and Conflict Resolution curricula are infused
Civic Education
into the Civic Education, Social Studies and Security Education themes
Security Education
Create enabling environment for the subject in all schools
7. Cultural & Creative Arts(CCA) Important for preservation of our cultural heritage and fostering creativity
8. French Language Nigeria’s second official language
Nigeria is surrounded by Francophone countries
The study of French Language will make our children more competitive at the global level.
9. Arabic Language Optional


  • Minimum of 8 subjects; Maximum of 9 subjects


  • Emphasis should be on basic concepts and their explanations


  • Teaching and learning activities must be creative, innovative, and practical.


  • Avoid content repetitions across themes and subjects


  • Admits only basic contents from old curriculum



Table 2(c). Upper Basic Education Curriculum (Juniour Secondary 1-3)
Subjects Explanatory Notes


Official National Language
1. English Studies Medium of Instruction in schools
The subject predisposes itself for the infusion of the following Road Safety Education, Disaster Risk
Reduction Education, Consumer Education.
Subject include Literature-in-English
2. Mathematics Fundamental discipline for science and technology development
Important of everyday life
3. Nigerian  Languages (One  Nigerian Schools are free to select such Nigerian language to be taught.


  1. Basic Science and Technology (BST) Each of the listed components will serve as themes for the Basic Science and Technology Curriculum
Basic science Climate change is part of the Basic Science theme
Basic Technology Disaster Risk Reduction Education and Consumer Education are infused into Basic Science and
Physical and Health Education Technology Curriculum
Information Technology (IT) Create enabling environment for the subject in all schools by making computer available in schools.
5. Pre-Vocational Studies Each of the listed components will serve as themes for the Pre-Vocational Studies
Home Economics
Consumer Education is infused into Pre-Vocational Studies
Create enabling environment for the teaching of pre-vocational studies in schools
6. Religion and National Values (RNV) Listed components will serve as themes in the Religion and National Values Curriculum
Contents are planned for all children to take Social Studies, Civic education and Security Education
Christian  Religious  Studies/Islamic
Separate classes should be run for CRS theme and IS theme
Social studies
Consumer Education, Disaster Risk Education and Peace and Conflict Resolution curricula are infused
Civic Education
into the Civic Education, Social Studies and Security Education themes
Security Education
Create enabling environment for the subject in all schools
7. Cultural & Creative Arts(CCA) Important for preservation of our cultural heritage and fostering creativity
Tourism is a theme in Cultural and Creative Arts Curriculum
8. Business Studies It is desirable for every child to have some idea of business enterprise
Enterprise is treated in Business Studies
Consumer Education is infused into Business Studies Curriculum
9. French Language Nigeria’s second official language
Nigeria is surrounded by Francophone countries
The study of French Language will make our children more competitive at the global level
10. Arabic Language Optional